Emma is finalist in Creative Tutor of Year

Emma Dickson, who has been nominated for the CCS Creative Tutor of the Year award, pictured with Lauren McConachie.  (Picture Martin McKeown).Emma Dickson, who has been nominated for the CCS Creative Tutor of the Year award, pictured with Lauren McConachie.  (Picture Martin McKeown).
Emma Dickson, who has been nominated for the CCS Creative Tutor of the Year award, pictured with Lauren McConachie. (Picture Martin McKeown).
An Art and Design Lecturer at North West Regional College (NWRC) has been announced as a finalist for the Creative Tutor of the Year Award at the 2019 Creative and Cultural skills Awards.

Ballymoney woman Emma Dickson, Course Co-ordinator at Limavady campus, who studied the Foundation Course in Art and Design at NWRC as a teenager, was nominated for the award by Curriculum Manager Gaenor Speer, recognising her commitment and dedication to students, guiding them into careers in the Art and Design Industry.

“I feel very honoured to have been shortlisted for this award,” said Emma. “I am deeply grateful for the nomination and the support of my Curriculum Manager Gaenor Speer, for her recognition of my work with students.”

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Emma Dickson is a graduate of the University of Ulster in Belfast where she achieved a First Class Honours Design in 2001. After graduation she worked as a Product Designer in a Belfast design consultancy before going into teaching in 2003.

Since then hundreds of budding students have benefitted from her wealth of experience in Art and Design, Digital Design and Innovation.

The mum of two says the most rewarding part of being a Lecturer is watching her students achieve success, and many of them have gone on to bright futures in both the Art and Design industries.

She added: “From the first day of their initial interview, to seeing them grow and develop into confident, skilled and successful students when they leave us and knowing I’ve played my small part in that creative journey, is deeply satisfying. Our annual Creative Show exhibits the work of our students, seeing the work displayed and celebrated with friends and family fills me with a huge sense of pride in my students for the learning journey we have been on together.“

Gaenor Speer, Curriculum Manager Art and Design at NWRC said: “Emma is a highly motivated staff member who is always looking for new approaches to teaching.”