Ballymoney GB win N.I. Mini volleyball comp

CHAMPIONS. Pictured are members from Ballymoney RP GB, who won the Northern Ireland GB Volleyball competition having qualified by claiming the Riada District title. They are from left, Sarah Scott, Karla Barr, Coach Clare Scott, Zara Hegarty and Nikki Barr..INBM50-15 012SC.CHAMPIONS. Pictured are members from Ballymoney RP GB, who won the Northern Ireland GB Volleyball competition having qualified by claiming the Riada District title. They are from left, Sarah Scott, Karla Barr, Coach Clare Scott, Zara Hegarty and Nikki Barr..INBM50-15 012SC.
CHAMPIONS. Pictured are members from Ballymoney RP GB, who won the Northern Ireland GB Volleyball competition having qualified by claiming the Riada District title. They are from left, Sarah Scott, Karla Barr, Coach Clare Scott, Zara Hegarty and Nikki Barr..INBM50-15 012SC.
273rd NI Ballymoney Reformed Presbyterian GB have won the Girls’ Brigade Northern Ireland Mini Volleyball competition for Brigaders (girls aged 14 to 18).

The Ballymoney lasses also ensured that Second place also went to 235th NI Roseyards Presbyterian. The NI Final was held in the main sports hall of Queen’s PEC, Belfast on 27th November with a total of 15 teams representing 11 districts. This is the first GB NI Final for this session.

It was a great night with all the girls having a lot of fun and a good number of noisy supporters encouraging the girls. Irena and the referees from NI Volleyball organised the play, ensured that everything went smoothly and supplied shirts for the winners.

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