Quay Road fence costs revealed

MOYLE Council has been given information on the cost of a spectator fence around the James McShane pitch at the Quay Road in Ballycastle.

A Council report said: ‘At the meeting of the 22nd March 2010 it was agreed to investigate the possibility of installing a spectator fence at the top of the grass slope overlooking the James McShane football pitch. Based on the lowest tender prices this work would cost approximately 2,800.

‘If this work was to be approved it would be appropriate to enclose the playground completely thus eliminating the risk of dogs and bicycles entering this space, a concern which was raised previously. To fully enclose the play park would cost 4,100.

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‘24,000 was set aside in the 09/10 budget for fencing at the Quay Road Complex. 16,000 of that still remains after the fencing around the soccer pitch was completed.

‘The original scheme tabled on 22nd March 2010 was tendered at 10,519.50. The additional work at the playground could be completed within the allocated budget,’ said the report.